SWG: Mapping the Discipline History of Education

Call for Papers

Standing Working Group: Mapping the Discipline History of Education

ISCHE Istanbul 2015


Convenors: Eckhardt Fuchs, Rita Hofstetter, Emmanuelle Picard

& Joelle Droux, Alexandre Fontaine, Solenn Huitric


General presentation (see: http://kartografy.wordpress.com/about/).

In the context of the growth, complexification and internationalization of higher education and research, it had seemed to be fruitful to map the history of education in Europe since the early nineties. Our goal is to create a current and retrospective assessment of the discipline’s institutional grounding and of the knowledge produced by its practitioners, stretching across national and cultural borders. Ultimately, the program will help to increase interactions among scholars and facilitate the creation of collaborative research agendas, thereby augmenting the standing and visibility of the discipline. It aims to describe the recent evolution of History of Education in order to make it more visible and, in knowing it and in reflecting on it, to reinforce its foundation and legitimacy. It may also serve as reference for prospective planning and for establishing a research agenda.

This mapping will focus on the emblematic traits that characterize any discipline: its institutional foundation (Institutes, departments, posts), communication networks (associations, scientific events, means for publication), the structures of socialization and education of the new generation (curriculum, diploma, doctoral theses) and the ongoing renewing of knowledge produced by the discipline (research, epistemological foundation, research methods). Transcending internal debates and defying boundaries of all types, our research program seeks to further the self-reflexive study of the discipline through the creation of collectively built databases. Via a shared virtual platform, such databases will provide common access to a catalogue of researchers and institutions, media outlets and studies on the history of education, irrespective of their institutional and geographic moorings. Collective discussion of the data and analyses produced will contribute to create synergies between historians of education in order to elaborate a common research agenda and to reinforce the base of the discipline.


AT ISCHE 37 in Istanbul we would like to organize up to four panels on these topics:

  1. Institutional history of our discipline, such as associations, networks, institutes, posts, journals;
  2. Historiography in specific cultural, regional or national contexts with a special emphasis on the history of education in the Middle-East, in Africa, and East Asia;
  3. Historiography on specific topics from a comparative or transnational perspective, such as research reviews on child protection policy; on the impact of globalization on the history of education, etc.;
  4. Presentations on the issue of collecting and harmonizing data about our field (institutes, departments, academic posts, doctoral thesis) in order to allow international comparison.

We invite you to submit proposals along the lines suggested above. They should include an abstract of the presentation (about 500 words in English), a short CV of no more than two pages, including a list of relevant publications, and your preferred panel. The deadline for submissions is December 31, 2014. The chosen applicants will be notified by the end of January. Please send your proposal to Rita Hofstetter (Rita.Hofstetter@unige.ch), Emmanuelle Picard (emmanuelle.picard@ens-lyon.fr) or Eckhardt Fuchs (fuchs@gei.de).


Standing Working Group Mapping the Discipline History of Education
ISCHE Istanbul 2015 – Eckhardt Fuchs, Rita Hofstetter, Emmanuelle Picard

Thursday (25th June) Morning and Afternoon

to see the program please click